2 week workout plan


How to lớn get abs in 2 weeks? It’s a question pondered by men the world over. And, despite having damning evidence from German bodybuilding sensation Jo Lindner that women aren’t all that bothered if guys have six-pack abs or not, it’s fair to say it’s still an aesthetic feature that most men crave.

To have a six-pack is akin khổng lồ winning a trophy; they reveal much about a person: that they go khổng lồ the gym; they work hard on keeping body toàn thân fat lớn a minimum; and they sustain themselves on a balanced, healthy diet.

So the mind-boggling pressure of being a 21st-century human goes…

It’s these factors that deter many men from obtaining the holy grail of fitness. Lớn win yourself a six-pack requires much dedication & commitment, and, at the start of the process at least, it helps to stay away from alcohol. To lớn say it’s a challenge would be an understatement.

But one YouTube video clip recently caught my eye. Uploaded by Travis & Koa Smith, two members of ‘The Smith Brothers’ family, a trio of surfing siblings from health vlog mecca Hawaii, their walkthrough video clip claims you can get yourself a mix of serious abs in just two weeks by following their 10-minute core workout. As someone who has found himself enjoying keeping fit much more than he expected – and previously willing to lớn follow ‘the internet’ for the fitness hacks – yet still unable khổng lồ achieve the elusive abdominals, I thought I would give it a go.

How hard could it be?


This hard.

The MC of their gruelling ab workout is Daniel Bachman, owner of D.Bach Functional Fitness on Hawaii’s North Shore, & the personal trainer khổng lồ all three brothers. We’d liken him to the devil, or some other ungodly being. We’re not sure what kind of figure he’s hiding beneath his hoodie, but the man must be ripped to lớn sh*t. The ease with which he demonstrates the movements khổng lồ the boys is unlike anything we’ve seen before. The fact the brothers, who are far from unfit themselves, appear to lớn struggle with some of the moves even in the first few reps should be proof enough that this workout will be no walk in the park.

But as they say, ‘no pain, no gain’, and I definitely wanted to lớn gain. And if a route of pain was what it took, so be it.

The beauty of this particular bộ vi xử lý core workout is that it can be performed anywhere, anytime, as it only requires your own bodyweight. So, no excuses…unfortunately.

Daniel provides great instruction lớn the boys, & to anyone following along, which is to lớn breathe out as you perform the move, and inhale as you return khổng lồ the starting position. My initial instinct was to inhale as I performed và exhaled as I returned, so breaking this habit và trusting Daniel’s guidance added another obstacle lớn overcome. But it definitely worked, và I found the movements easier lớn perform following this method.

That’s not khổng lồ say they were easy. Just easier.

Bạn đang xem: 2 week workout plan

My arms conveniently cover up a seriously distressed look upon my face.

I’m not going khổng lồ write out the full workout, I wouldn’t want khổng lồ scare you. But you can watch the embedded video clip whenever you feel like putting your body toàn thân through its paces. But for some extra tips with regards lớn completing it effectively, Daniel provides some advice. Appreciating that these movements are difficult he says “the pace is up lớn you, you can go slow, you can go fast.”

For the majority of the movements, “the main thing is to lớn keep the upper body isolated”, meaning, don’t use the swing of your legs to lớn help move your upper body. You want lớn be engaging & using your vi xử lý core instead.

He further adds, “The key is to maintain consistency, take a break if needed & just continue when you’re ready”, and for anyone struggling khổng lồ maintain the correct technique, Daniel suggest some easier versions of the same movement to help you get through it all, “we’re reducing the difficulty, but still moving forward.” I personally found these lớn be invaluable.

So, circling back to the point of all this. Was I able to lớn gain a six-pack in two weeks? In a word, no. However, there are other factors at play. The boys suggest completing this workout 2 – 3 times a week, for the two week period. Being honest, I wasn’t able lớn stick khổng lồ this. I visited the gym, yes, but I have my own program to lớn work through first, which also includes some chip core work. On more than one occasion I just didn’t have the energy to lớn put myself through another 10 minutes of torture exercise.

I completed the workout to the best of my ability four times, và admittedly, I did find it slightly easier each time. I took on board the advice about using the breath lớn aid with movement, and there’s no doubt my vi xử lý core strength improved. I can certainly feel muscle beneath my layer of belly fat, so maybe if I was lớn continue using this workout, I would gain a six-pack.

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These Russian twists were one of the easier movements, & I certainly felt I had more control over my core.

Therein lies another factor, however: belly fat. You could perform just core workouts for your entire life, but if you have a generous layer of belly fat covering them up, you’re never going lớn be able to show them off khổng lồ the world. Shedding body toàn thân fat could be an easy process, or a hard process for you, depending on your body toàn thân type. Ectomorphs will find it easiest, but then they also find it harder to put on muscle.

Endomorphs meanwhile put on fat much easier, and therefore find it harder lớn lose. As we’ve seen before, the key lớn losing fat is to lớn build up your muscle, although many choose to lớn go down the cardio route of running, walking or cycling their way khổng lồ a slimmer body. These methods bởi certainly work, but you also run the risk of losing some muscle in the process.

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Something else khổng lồ consider is the fact this workout is coming via a YouTube video, và not personal, one-on-one training and guidance. Michael Ramsey, co-founder of Strong, a new style of high intensity workout that combines pilates, cardio and rowing into a full-body workout, says this doesn’t necessarily mean a bad thing. “YouTube tends khổng lồ work really well when you/the consumer, has a base level fo fitness & a basic understanding of movement. No doubt there’s some extremely successful & trustworthy ‘YouTube’ trainers publishing content, however there’s no screening process & an equal amount of rubbish getting published online.”

“It’s important to lớn read reviews, comments and search for success stories before committing khổng lồ an online trainer. If you’re starting from the bottom I’d recommend getting some fact lớn face guidance to at least learn the fundamentals và correct form.”

As for whether Michael believes it is genuinely possible khổng lồ obtain a six-pack in two weeks, he replies with a resounding, “NO”.

“A good ‘6-pack’ generally comes from losing visceral fat (fat around the stomach) which particularly in males is the last spot you thảm bại fat from. This is done through consistent training và eating in a calorie deficit.”

Echoing our earlier comments, he adds, “On a deeper level, proper nutrition, a solid training program, 6-8 hours of sleep per night, 3-4 litres of water per day, and some mobility work throughout the week will get you to not only your goal of a 6-pack, but feeling healthier và better in general.”

I’m going to attempt khổng lồ keep adding the Smith brothers’ workout into my routine as much as possible. Even if it takes me much longer to see what can be described as abs poking through my stomach, at the very least my vi xử lý core strength will improve.